Hi guys :3
It's the Mother's day weekend! I had some last minute shopping to do and I am exhaaaausted. But, I haven't posted in a bit (or it feels like forever, really) so here's something.
Today I'm reviewing the Felt Tip Liner from NYX.
Alright, first off - I am a liquid eyeliner girl. I can't stand the smudginess of pencil, and I have yet to try gel. I've tried the Prestige one, Revlon, and L'oreal. I saw that
Jen from frmheadtotoe had bought one in a haul, so I figured "Hey what the heck! I'll give it a go". I was super excited when I got to the store, bought it for about $10 (Canadian) and brought it home. It was like immediate love at first try. It gave me a really nice sharp line. It wasn't too water-y that I had to wait for it to dry, yet it was so precise that I didn't make mistakes.
(These was taken the day I bought it and tried it out. Super sharp line, yay! The only picture you could see the eyeliner clearly was one of me sticking my tongue out... Not attractive, haha.)
I followed the instructions to keep the pen-side down (I do that with all my pens/sharpies as well), but GUESS WHAT. One week later, and it was gone. The point of the felt tip was absolutely dry, and no ink came out of it. Using the sides provided what it originally put out, but the tip was rendered useless.
I've heard some people say it lasted them more than two months, but I suppose I was unlucky since mine lasted a week. I still have it... But it's pretty much in my "useless/pretty" and "don't buy again" piles.
Overall verdict: Super freaking awesome while it lasted. But it didn't last. Great for girls who have unsteady hands, and want a nice, clean line.
Who knows, you might have a different experience than I did.